In this web critique, the content of Experimental Sound Studio and AREAChicago's websites were my main interest since I am trying to keep up with what these organizations are doing in the city. While exploring the sites, I was not distracted by usability problems or design features, which allowed me to become engaged in what the sites had to offer. In comparison to AREAChicago, ESS's site was a bit more user friendly and easier to manage navigation-wise, however, I was happy with both sites. I am finding that I do prefer websites that don't go overboard with features or design elements, and have something different going on then the typical website. Life would just be boring without something to expand your mind. Some may say that AREAChicago's site does not have enough features to get an idea of what they are all about. This may be the case because their website is for a specific audience or that their website design is a bit unfamiliar. However, I appreciate AREAChicago's website for their unexpected design. For an organization that strives to think outside-of-the-box and provide a place for ideas and discussion, their website is appropriate. In the end, I am most interested in the fact that ESS has a Sun Ra audio collection of 600 tapes that is PUBLIC. This in itself is a special treat. In the end, both of these organizations have so much to offer in more ways them one, and their websites show it without all the flash. Check out the video below if you want to see what Sun Ra is all about. Now this is a man that used to think outside-of-the-box. Enjoy.
I think that as with all things in life, people gravitate towards specific tastes/preferences in all things, and websites are no exception. you're leaning towards the good content, simple design side, whereas there are definitely folks out there who like the splash and snazziness of lots of pop-ups and flash animations. Each has its place.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about AREA's site. It feels very appropriate for their work, though some might think their site should be reflective of their grassroots/activist nature. I personally wouldn't mind a little more visual panache, but to each his own. :)
Nice video embedded in the post. Did you know we actually had two shows based on Sun Ra and his work at the Art Center a couple of years ago? The show is actually traveling to Philadelphia and will be at the ICA there later this year.
You are right about there being a special place for every kind of site. Having the option or opportunity to experience a range of websites is what keeps things interesting.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could have seen the Sun Ra exhibits at the Hyde Park Art Center. I have never seen an exhibit dedicated to this man and his work. Maybe in the future.
it struck me when you said that the AREA site's design might be attributed to its specific audience. that's an excellent point, and a good thing to remember about any site. some really are not meant to serve or impress the general public. that said, AREA's site design implies to me that they anticipate a no-nonsense audience.